Friday, June 3, 2016

What's on in Dannevirke 4th to 11th June 2016

A diary of the week's events:


Saturday 4th June 2016

Fantasy Cave, 60 High Street. Open 10am to 12.30pm. Admission: Adult $5 and children $2. Phone 374 9011.

International Police Museum and Museum Lodge, 133-137 High Street, open 10am to 4pm, other days by arrangement. Phone 374 6455 or 021 897 880.

Free! Tai Chi in Park from 10am to 11am Domain Park, High Street, sign by front gate. Weather permitting. Dianne C Willis – Certified Tai Chi instructor.


Sunday 5th June 2016

International Police Museum and Museum Lodge, 133-137 High Street, open 10am to 4pm, other days by arrangement. Phone 374 6455 or 021 897 880.

Knox Church Swinburn Street. First Sunday of each Month: Communion Service at 9.30am, with children's programme. All other Sundays: 8.30am Traditional Service and 10am Contemporary Service, with children's programme.  All welcome.

Dannevirke Anglican Church (Parish of Southern Hawkes Bay) 174 High Street, Dannevirke. This week's services: 8am St. John's Dannevirke, Holy Eucharist, 10am Family Prayz and 11.15am St. Alban's Te Rehunga.

Free! Tai Chi in Park from 10am to 11am Domain Park, High Street, sign by front gate. Weather permitting. Dianne C Willis – Certified Tai Chi instructor.

Activate Friendly Riding Organisation (aka AFRO) Leaves Activate Gym carpark Allardice Street (9am in winter) (8am daylight saving hours). Three groups – 20-30kms, 50-60kms, 80-100kms. Meet for coffee at Regent CafĂ© from 11.30am. Contact Tony 027 5279443 for more information. All abilities welcome.


Monday 6th June 2016 – Queen's Birthday

AMP Viking Wai Splash…Are you looking for a fun, low-impact exercise class? Come down to Wai Splash Community Pool, York Street and try out our Aqua Aerobics classes! 9.15am for 45 minutes and only $5 per class. For more information ring 06 374 7772.

Dannevirke Bridge Club at Club rooms High St 7.15pm. Contact Jan 374 9070 or Karen 374 5853.

Model Railway Club meets at 7.30pm. Contact Tristan Smiley 374 7894 for more information.

Viking Choir meets at 7pm at the Dannevirke High School music room. All welcome, Contact Ross Macdonald 374 7996.


Tuesday 7th June 2016

Gallery of History, 14 Gordon Street opens from 10am to 3pm.  Adult $2 and children 50c. Phone 374 6300 or 374 8091.

Vets Golf at the Dannevirke Golf Course. Contact Ray Beckett 374 5363.

Rua Roa Indoor Bowls, 7.30pm, Rua Roa Hall, Laws Rd. Contact Cameron McKay 374 5205.

The Elske Centre for over 60's from 10am to 3pm, Dannevirke Anglican Church Hall, 374 7649.

MenzShed in Denmark St. Open 10am to 3pm for men of all ages so come and have a look and a cuppa. Give them a call - Gary Cameron 06 376 4167, Andrew Thompson 374 8650 or Ian Barnett 374 2737.

Boot Scooters Line Dancing, low impact, 10am to 11am at the Scout Hall, Christian Street.

T'ai Chi for Health – Mixed TCA2+Adv 9am to 10am, Ladies TCA class 10am to 11am. After work: Mixed TCA class 5.30pm to 6.30pm, Mens TCA class 6.30pm to 7.30pm at the Dannevirke Sports Centre, Anderson Street, Dannevirke. TCA/TCA2 + all programmes. Come and join us. Any adult age, ability or gender. $6 per 1hr session payable 1 month in advance. For bookings call Dianne 06 374 6545 or 0274 760 074 or email

St John Cadets meet at St John Anglican Church Hall, High Street, 5.30pm to 7pm. Contact Glennis 374 7280 or Delwyn 374 9220. (During school term only).

Knox Opportunity Shop – Used clothing and bric a brac in Knox Church Hall, Swinburn Street from 8.30am to 10am. Bargains galore. Come and enjoy our new facility.


Wednesday 8th June 2016

Gallery of History, 14 Gordon Street opens from 10am to 3pm.  Adult $2 and children 50c. Phone 374 6300 or 374 8091.

AMP Viking Wai Splash…Are you looking for a fun, low-impact exercise class? Come down to Wai Splash Community Pool, York Street and try out our Aqua Aerobics classes! 9.15am for 45 minutes and only $5 per class. For more information ring 06 374 7772.

Ladies Golf - Club day at the Dannevirke Golf Club - 10am start.  Contact Gwen Murphy 374 3670.

Dvke Highland Pipe band meet at Carnegie Centre, Allardice St, 7pm to 9pm. Contact Glennis 374 7280.

Dvke Brass Band meet for a full practice from 7.30pm to 9pm. Contact Sarah Kuggeleijn 374 6446.

Dannevirke Spinners and Weavers, Craft Cottage, 30 McPhee St. Weavers meet from 10am to 2.30pm, spinners from 7pm to 9pm.  Contact Anne Willis on 374 6524.

Norsewood – Resistance band exercise and Tai–Chi at the War Memorial Hall from 9am to 10am.  Contact Ella Domper 374 0786.

Kidzercise for pre-schoolers during school term 10.30am to 11.15am at Activate Gym. Come along with your pre-schoolers and babies and join in the fun of an exercise session designed especially for them. For more information contact Mandy at Our Place 374 7574. A gold coin donation would be appreciated. (During school term only).

Dannevirke Community Toy Library next to AMP Wai Splash, 35 York Street from 3pm to 5.30pm.  For details phone Sandy 027 631 5228. (During school term only).

Norsewood Family Playgroup meets at Norsewood School from 10am to Noon during term time. New families welcome (ages 0 – 5 years). Enquiries to Michelle Casey Galloway 374 0707. (During school term only).

Dannevirke Judo Club – Barraud Street. Juniors 6 to 13 years old from 6.30pm to 7.30pm and Seniors 14 years old and up from 7.30pm to 9pm. For more information phone Andrew 374 5110 or 0274 684 684. (During school term only).

Women's Home League Fellowship at 1.30pm at the Salvation Army Hall. Contact Lynda 374 8970 (all women and children are welcome to attend).  (During school term only).

Come Dancing With Us - Old time dancing at Rawhiti Lodge, High Street. Dance to your old favourites and learn many more, partners not necessary.  A fun night out with a small friendly group from 7pm to 9pm. Small charge of $2 per person. For more information phone Ron 374 5444 or Lois 374 5943.

Art Made Easy – at Salvation Army Hall, Allardice Street. From 9.30am to 12noon, $5 per person. No experience necessary just a desire to learn. For more information phone tutor Jean Franklin 374 5050. All welcome.


Thursday 9th June 2016

Gallery of History, 14 Gordon Street opens from 10am to 3pm.  Adult $2 and children 50c. Phone 374 6300 or 374 8091.

AMP Viking Wai Splash…Are you looking for a fun, low-impact exercise class? Come down to Wai Splash Community Pool, York Street and try out our Aqua Aerobics classes! 5.45pm for 45 minutes and only $5 per class. For more information ring 06 374 7772.

Dannevirke Art Society meets at the studio, 30 McPhee St, for painting and drawing, 10am onwards. For more information phone June 374 9833. 

Dannevirke Community Toy Library next to AMP Wai Splash, 35 York Street from 9am to 11.30am.  For details phone Sandy 027 631 5228. (During school term only).

Alcoholics Anonymous meets at The Hub, Gordon Street at Noon.

Norsewood Craft Group meets in the Pottery Shop from 10.30am to 3.30pm. A minimal charge applies.

Ruahine Ramblers leisure marching team, Sports Centre - Anderson St at 6.30pm. Contact Marj 374 8725.

MenzShed workshop and meeting room, Denmark Street, down the alleyway between Dorrington Poole and Dannevirke Budget Advice offices. Open 10am to 3pm for men of all ages.

MKC Club (Marion Kennedy Club) Alzheimers Manawatu – supporting people affected by dementia in the Tararua district. The club meets at the Brass Band rooms, service lane, Allardice Street from10am to 3pm. For more information please contact 06 357 9539, 0800 004 001, or email

Tararua Bonsai Society meets at Dannevirke High School at 7 pm. Contact Dawid de Villiers on 3747143 or e-mail for more information.


Friday 10th June 2016

Gallery of History, 14 Gordon Street opens from 10am to 3pm.  Adult $2 and children 50c. Phone 374 6300 or 374 8091.

Dannevirke Community Toy Library next to AMP Wai Splash, 35 York Street from 10.30am to 12.30pm.  For details phone Sandy 027 631 5228. (During school term only).

Boot Scooters Line Dancing, low impact, 10am to 11am at the Scout Hall, Christian Street.


Saturday 11th June 2016

Fantasy Cave, 60 High Street. Open 10am to 12.30pm. Admission: Adult $5 and children $2. Phone 374 9011.

International Police Museum and Museum Lodge, 133-137 High Street, open 10am to 4pm, other days by arrangement. Phone 374 6455 or 021 897 880.

Free! Tai Chi in Park from 10am to 11am Domain Park, High Street, sign by front gate. Weather permitting. Dianne C Willis – Certified Tai Chi instructor.

Cottage Quilters meet in the Hearing Association Rooms, McPhee Street from 10am onwards. For more information please contact Judy Coldstream 374 8399.

Ruahine School PFK are proud to present Stars in their Eyes (Country Theme). Doors open 6.30pm – 'Stars' perform from 7.30pm. Tickets $25 per person and are available from Ruahine School office from 16th May. Adults only – licensed cash bar (no BYO), courtesy van home, nibbles and supper provided. Contestants wanted! Contestant forms available from the school office (374 9200).



Dave's Den – Motor Vehicle Display (8,000 models) and Art Gallery, 363 High Street and Hospital Street cnr, open from 10am. Further information phone 374 8432.



All inquiries for the "What's on" column please contact the Dannevirke Information Centre and available online at

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