A diary of the week's events:
Saturday 29th June 2013
Dvke Fantasy Cave, 60 High St, 10am12.30pm, for info phone 374 9011.
Rangatira Croquet Club, McPhee St. 1pm. Contact Bethia Campbell 374 5382 or Joe 374 8042.
Ruahine School's Annual Stars in their eyes at Te Rehunga Hall. $25 per person, includes light supper. Doors open at 6.30pm, cash only bar, R18. Tickets available at Paper plus and Ruahine School office. Courtesy bus available for drop offs within 15km.
Sunday 30th June 2013
Knox Church, Swinburn Street, Traditional Service 8.30am, Contemporary Family Service 10am.
Dvke Bible Chapel, Burns Street, Teaching and Communion Service 10am.
Dvke Anglican Church, Holy Eucharist at 8am NZ Prayer Book, & 10am Family Service Communion.
Dannevirke Host Lions Food Drive to support the Dannevirke Foodbank. 12.30pm approx 2.30pm. Wanted items tinned food, breakfast cereals, milk powder, noodles & pasta, household items such as soap, tissues and toilet rolls, please no perishable food, tobacco or alcohol. When you hear the sirens take your bag outside and hand to the collectors. If you miss the collection please phone 374 8650.
Monday 1st July 2013
Viking Choir 7pm at the Dvke High School music room, all welcome, phone Sue Speedy 374 5970.
The Elske Centre for over 60's from 10am to 3pm, Dvke Anglican Church Hall, ph 374 7649.
Tots & Toddlers playgroup, SH2 Makirikiri 9.30am -12pm, contact: Mel 374 7060.
Dannevirke Bridge Club at Club rooms High St 7.30pm. Contact Karen 374 5853, Harold 374 7355.
Tuesday 2nd July 2013
Boot Scooters Line Dancing, low impact, 10am to11.30am at the Scout Hall, Christian Street.
Vets Golf at the Dannevirke Golf Course. For more info contact Ray Beckett 374 5363.
Rua Roa Indoor Bowls, 7.30pm, Rua Roa Hall, Laws Rd. Contact Cameron McKay 374 5205.
The Elske Centre for over 60's from 10am to 3pm, Dvke Anglican Church Hall, ph 374 7649.
Dannevirke Brownies & Pippins for girls aged between 5 & 10yrs meet from 4.30pm to 6pm at the Scout Hall. For further information contact 0800 663 466 or www.girlguiding.org.nz.
Dannevirke Girl Guides for girls aged between 9 ½ & 14 ½ yrs meet from 4.30pm to 6pm at the Scout Hall. For further information contact 0800 663 466 or www.girlguiding.org.nz
St John Cadets meet at St John Anglican Church Hall, High Street, 5.30pm to 7pm. Contact Glennis 374 7280 or Delwyn 374 9220.
Knox Op. Shop Used clothing and bric a brac, Dvke Knox Hall, Swinburn St 8.30am 10am.
Red Cross Jumble Sale, 8.30 - 10.30am at the Red Cross rooms 2 McPhee Street.
Wednesday 3rd July 2013
Ladies Golf - Club day at the Dannevirke Golf Club - 10am start. Contact Helen Martin 374 7689.
Dvke Highland Pipe band meet at Carnegie Centre, Allardice St, 7-9pm. Contact Glennis 374 7280.
Dvke Brass Band meet for a full practice from 7.30pm to 9pm. Contact Sarah Kuggeleijn 374 6446.
The Elske Centre for over 60's from 10am to 3pm, Dvke Anglican Church Hall, ph 374 7649.
Women's Home League Fellowship,1.30pm at Salvation Army Hall. Contact 374 7750 or 374 8970.
Dannevirke Spinners & Weavers, Craft Cottage, 30 McPhee St, Weavers meet from 10am to 2.30pm, spinners from 7pm - 9.30pm. For more info contact Anne Willis on 374 6524.
Norsewood & Dist Family Playgroup, free from 10am 12pm, 0 5 yrs, call Vanessa 374 8803.
Dvke Service & Citizens Friendship Club meet for bus trips to sister clubs and hosting out of town Clubs, the aim is fellowship & friendship. New members welcome. Contact Betty Burgess 374 8214.
Thursday 4th July 2013
Dannevirke Art Society meets at the studio, 30 McPhee St, for painting & drawing, 10am onwards.
Alcoholics Anonymous meets at The Hub, Gordon Street, at Noon.
Norsewood Craft Group meet in the pottery room, from 10.30am-3.30pm. A minimal charge applies.
Ruahine Ramblers Leisure Marching Team, Netball Courts, Anderson St, 5.30pm. Marj 374 8725.
Spinning class at 5.30pm at Resultz Gym, Piripiri Road, Contact Tania 027 662 9866 or 374 7319.
Tai Chi for Health, Old Acquaintance Club, 10am 11am, phone Dianne 374 6545.
Preschool music and movement, 10.30am 11.30am, Anglican Church Hall, everyone welcome, no charge, for more information phone Julie McDougall 374 5630.
Friday 5th July 2013
Boot Scooters Line Dancing. Low impact - 10am to 11am at the Scout Hall, Christian Street.
Housie at the Old Acquaintance Club, 1pm start, afternoon tea provided, small cost involved.
Dannevirke Spinners & Weavers, Craft Cottage, 30 McPhee Street, spinners meet from 10am to 2.30pm. For further information contact Anne Willis on 374 6524.
Dannevirke Bridge Club meet Club rooms High St 1pm. Contact Karen 374 5853, Harold 374 7355.
Saturday 6th July 2013
Dvke Fantasy Cave, 60 High St, 10am12.30pm, for info phone 374 9011.
Rangatira Croquet Club, McPhee St. 1pm. Contact Bethia Campbell 374 5382 or Joe 374 8042.
Dave's Den Motor Vehicle Display (8000) & Art Gallery, 363 High Street and Hospital Street cnr, open from 10am, for more information phone 374 8432.
Week Days only
Gallery of History, 14 Gordon Street open from 10am to 3pm. Adults $2, children 50c. For more information phone 374 6300 or 374 8091.
International Police Museum and Museum Lodge, 133 137 High Street, open 10am 4pm, other days by arrangement, phone 374 6455 or 021 897 880.
Coming events in July:
Dannevirke Host Lions Annual Book Sale - 26th, 27th, 28th
For all inquiries for the "What's on" column please contact the Dannevirke Information Centre dvkeinfocentre@xtra.co.nz Also available online at http://www.dvkeinfocentre.blogspot.com